How to avoid stomach problems while traveling
How to avoid stomach problems while traveling

An upset stomach is hardly the most common vacation problem, on par with sunstroke and sunburn.


While the heart is happy to be on vacation, the gastrointestinal tract can throw up some unpleasant surprises. Here are some recommendations that will help you maintain good health and prevent you from ruining your vacation.


Move to the exotic gradually.

There's always new food in a new country. However, a large amount of fatty, spicy, and spicy food is not what our stomach is prepared for. Try to stick to familiar dishes for the first few days and then progressively switch to more novel ones.

If you have chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, even on vacation, follow a diet and keep familiar medicines on hand in case of exacerbations. Those with a sensitive digestive system should avoid unfamiliar foods and alcohol altogether.


Because fish absorb toxins from a range of sources, seafood meals are well known for contributing to digestive issues. Fish that are smaller are usually safer. It's generally recommended to stay away from a range of clams, mussels, and oysters. Avoid unpasteurized dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. Pure tea and coffee, without any unknown cream or milk added, are generally safe to consume.

Vegetables and fruits without peels may be the source of food poisoning. Make an effort to select fruits that are easy to peel.

Trying a soft-boiled egg or a bloody steak while traveling is not a smart idea. Always select "high" or at the very least "medium" heat for your own safety. When selecting a cafe or restaurant, consider whether the locals frequent the establishment. The first indication that the meal is safe is if they do.

Food from street vendors should never be purchased. It's advisable to avoid taking any dangers because these guys typically don't adhere to any sanitary rules. The reason over a thousand tourists' vacations have been wrecked is fast food.

Only sip water from a bottle. This is particularly valid if you are visiting a third-world country. Diarrhea is the most benign illness that can strike these nations, which frequently have severe problems with fresh water.

Recall. When traveling, ordinary drinking water and the ice it contains in cocktails and other drinks are the most common sources of food illness.

30 January 2024, 18:11
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